Shoemaker ~ Skipper W Quarter Horses


SD Unions Vandy
2002 Palomino Mare


"Vandy" is a half-sister to SD Unions ToneSD Unions Debit and
SD Unions
.   All are sired by St Union.  Here at Scribble d-~.gif (955 bytes) their sire has produced some outstanding individuals.

Vandy is no exception to the quality produced by her sire.  Credit must also be given to their Dams.

Skippers Riing 
Skip N Union
St Union Skip N Donna
St Silent
St Dolly 
SD Unions Vandy Skippo Dolly
Skip's Barber
Skipa Select
Sheiks Empress Skipacita 
Skip's Cadet
Sheiks Delay
Sheik's Cutie