Shoemaker ~ Skipper W Quarter Horses


~  Get of Sire  ~

Reference Sires

SD Unions Tone - Pedigree
2001 Chestnut Stallion


Filly out of Shes Some Sue


Colt out of SD Shems Charolette

Filly out of St Saint Gem

Gelding out of LA Skips Anniversary

Utah Breeder's Futurity Winner

PHSC Futurity money earner
3rd in class of 10  

Shoemaker~Skipper W Futurity
2nd place

Great to ride  - lots of bottom - 
Reliable in the mountains  

Our son owns this Great gelding


Filly out of Special Sav
Filly out of Silently She Skips
Futurity Winner & Money Earner
Filly out of Skips Viva La Visa

Gelding out of Forwhomthebelletolls   Gelding out of Silently She Skips       Filly out of Forwhomthebelletolls

Gelding out of Silently She Skips 



Scribble D Quarter Horses
Ken & Connie Durfee
Grantsville, UT 84029
(435) 884-3374


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